
Welcome to CPD-Apply

CPD apply is the electronic application system designed for internal NWAS staff to apply for formal post registration and other specific courses at NWAS. Follow the Applications box on the right.

Who should use this system?

  • Staff wishing to apply and seek approval for clinical post registration modules directly via our partner universities at UCLAN, Edge Hill, Cumbria and Liverpool John Moores.
  • Anyone invited to apply for other specific formal programmes such as apprenticeships, conversion programmes or other identified programmes of learning when the application process is launched by NWAS programme leads will ask you to apply via this system.

Using the system

  • It is the responsibility of all applicants to ensure that they enter the correct details and check them for accuracy (including email addresses, telephone numbers etc.). These are the methods whereby the programme leads will contact you so it's important they are correct.
  • If any errors are made then your application will not be processed.
  • It is the responsibility of all programme applicants to monitor the ongoing progress of their own application as once programmes have been approved. CPD Apply receive no other communication as to ongoing enrolment processes.

CPD Apply should not be used for

  • Mandatory Training Programmes
  • Universities other than our partners above
  • Private Training Providers