
Frequently Asked Questions


Before starting to apply you need to ensure:

  • That you have the correct details for your employing organisation
  • This module has been agreed in your PDR and agreed by your line manager
  • Ensure you have the correct module title, level, University and campus for delivery and start date for the module
  • Ensure that you meet the module pre requisite
  • Correct email for your authorising manager
  • Your correct email address

Please contact your organisations CPD Lead, if you do not know who this is please contact your organisation’s L&D lead who will advise.

Please contact your organisations CPD Lead, if you do not know who this is please contact your L&D department who will advise in the first instance. They will withdraw you from the course providing it is before enrolment. If you withdraw after the start date has commenced this will be recorded as ‘stopped attending’ and your organisation will have to pay for your place on the module.

Please note that you will require flash player to view the training video. However please check with your organisations IT department if you can’t access it.

Please check the relevant HEI’s prospectus details for that module.

This should be identified in the Universities prospectus for the module that you are applying for. The minimum is why you want to complete this module and what difference it will make to your present practice.

No you will have to contact the HEI outside of CPD-Apply.

You will need to inform you current employer CPD lead and inform your new employer CPD Lead.

In the employing organisation drop down list you need to select “non NHS”, the system will then ask you to choose what type or organisation from a drop down list – click on ‘GP Practice’ and then enter the name of the organisation in the free text box beside that box. You will then need to enter the correct details for your line manager at your organisation in the ‘Authorising manager’ box. If your ‘authorising manager’ approves the application it will be sent to NHS North West for review and approval. Please note that there are limited resources to support GP Practices, voluntary/charitable and independent sectors therefore the SHA will be unable to support all applications. If approved by NHS North West the application will go through the normal University selection processes. The learner will receive an email at each stage when a decision is taken about their application to inform them of the applications process.

For more detailed information please click on the link below for GP Practice Staff access to CPD-Apply
GP practice staff access to CPD

For Non Medical Prescribing (NMP) modules the learner before applying using CPD-Apply will have to have contacted the local area NMP Lead and completed the 11 page NMP additional information/application form to ensure that they meet all the NMP pre-requisites. For NMP the NMP lead and not the learner’s line manager must act as the ‘Authorising manager’. Once you have contacted the local area NMP Lead please click on the link below for guidance on how to apply using CPD-Apply

Access to NMP for practice staff

please click on the link below for guidance on how to apply using CPD-Apply
Access to CPD

Yes once you have completed the university component of learning an email will be sent to you requesting that you complete the evaluation questionnaire. This is part of your contract with NHS North West for accepting the funding for the module.

Higher Education qualification starts a level 4 and goes up to level 8

  • Level 4 - Certificate of higher education
  • Level 5 - Foundation Degrees
  • Level 6 - Bachelor Degrees
  • Level 7 - Master Degrees
  • Level 8 - Doctoral Degrees

You must enter your postcode in the correct format including capital letters and the space.